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Pittsboro, NC, Aug 30, 2021—North Carolina-based WaveFront Inc. has added a line of American handmade tillers to its Web-based store to complement its flagship tiller-steering product, the TillerClutch.TM “Our US…
Click on image to read excerpt from April 2021 Afloat article “WaveFront TillerClutch.” Australia’s premier sailing magazine announces that a well-established Australian marine company is marketing the WaveFront TillerClutch.
Established Australian marine company, Harts Chandlery – Captain Sturt Boat Supplies, is excited to sell the TillerClutch because, “Customers have been discussing this product with us, and we have many solo and short-handed sailors who will benefit greatly from it.”
Pittsboro, NC, Aug. 2, 2019—For the eighth year in a row, WaveFront, Inc. has sponsored the California Cruiser Challenge, a friendly cruiser-style racing event held in Monterey, CA. for people…
Out of a test of three tiller-locking devices, the UK-based magazine voted the WaveFront TillerClutch™ “Best on Test” for effectiveness, ease of setup and user friendliness.
WoodenBoat magazine tests the TillerClutch and heralds it as “a nifty solution to an age-old problem of tending the tiller while sailing short handed or eating a sandwich.”

Marine Outfitters Canada says, “We decided to offer the TillerClutch because we view it as a premium product in the ‘Tiller Self-Steering’ segment…”
Com-Pac Yachts declares, “The TillerClutch is a more sophisticated way to control the tiller compared to what’s been available. It’s just like WaveFront says; it’s the next step, the next generation, in lashing the tiller.”
Click on image to read the August 2013 News & Observer article